Monday 30 January 2012

Turns out I'm a more productive diet cheater than I am a knitter...

On Saturday night, when I was supposed to be casting on and finishing the fingerless mittens for ma petite soeur, my older sister and her man came over and instead of knititng, I drank and ate.

The good news is I knit on Sunday and I got one mitten done.

And then I drank and ate some more.

Back to the battle today.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Productive knitting!

I love having a productive knitting weekend!

Last night I cast on and completed a pair of fingerless mittens for my nieces birthday present. Today I cast on and completed the matching hat called a Capucine.

I've also gotten quite a bit done on The Uber Pink Sweater. When I type out The Uber Pink Sweater I say it in my head as if it is the contender in a heavy weight boxing match.

I've started a new pair of longies for Dex. I'm going to make a matching vest for the little gentleman as well. 

Oh! And i made the cutest headband ever! It matches the romper.

Tonight I am going to cast on and complete a pair of fingerless mittens for ma petite soeur. They are going to be even cooler than the rainbow ones.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

A quiet afternoon

I"m slowly finishing up the uber pink sweater. I'm on the garter stitch hem. Just sleeves and pockets left. Woot woot.

The romper is done, along with a matching headband.

I bought new batteries for the camers so I will take some pictures once it's finished blocking. I'm hoping to finish the uber pink sweater, get to work on Annie's fingerless gloves, and get started on some new longies for dex.

Well, dex just woke up. The end to my quiet afternoon of knitting. I think I got 3 rows done.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Slow Progress

Its been slow going this week, what with all the screaming and the kicking that is erupting out of Miss Ris. Also, Dex wouldn't sleep at all this afternoon. I couldn't figure out why, until he had the shit of all shits. Fun!

Anyway, here are some WIP photos.

The Romper

The Uber Pink Sweater!

I've decided it is so pink it needs an exclamation mark too. The white strips are just there so I can add pockets later. No need to worry, The Uber Pink Sweater! will be pink, all pink and nothing but the pink so help it god.

Monday 16 January 2012


A time to restart diets and catch up on the knitting I missed out on on the weekend.

You would think that with The Mister home I would get more knitting done than during the week, but it never happens that way.

I got one bloomer ruffle done on the romper, and i split for the sleeves on the alpaca sweater, also known as The Uber Pink Sweater. It is so pink its name needs an uber and a capital letter. I will update with pictures when I get a chance.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Daycare day!

Woo hoo! Do you know what that means?

It means Riso is off to daycare for her weekly play quota, and I'm home alone with Dex. A 3 month old. A 3 month old that has 3 naps a you see what I'm getting at. The potential for some unninterrupted knitting. Happy Dance!

I finished the longies for Dex last night, I will take a picture as soon as I have them washed and blocking. I also have to take some pictures of the sweater I knit for Riso. And I'm hoping t cast on another sweater today as well as get some work done on the romper.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

What I'm working on

I have so much on the go right now. I can't ever just have one reject going at a time, I need to have at least two, preferable three. I've been knitting the same pair of longies for about a week because I keep starting new projects.

On the needles:

Size med longies for Dex

A romper for my niece

A sweater for Riso - no picture yet


A sweater for Riso - no picture yet

And I have some amazing yarn on the way that I will use to knit myself a sweater! Yay!


Welcome to my knit-sational blog! I am an avid obsessive knitter. I love to post pictures of my works in progress (WIP) and my finished objects (FO) Stay tuned for oodles and oodles of knitting. 

I know what you are thinking...Yay! A knitting blog!